UtilitĂ© des mĂ©gadonnĂ©es en surveillance des maladies infectieuses et contribution possible aux enquĂȘtes sur les maladies d’origine alimentaire au Canada

…National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Big data and analytics for infectious disease research, operations, and policy: Proceedings of a workshop. In: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and

Interventions sur les dimensions de la santé sexuelle : Une revue des interventions évaluées en matiÚre de promotion de la santé sexuelle

…: http://www.pathfinder. org/publications-tools/pdfs/FOCUS-Tool-5-A-Guide-to-Monitoring-and-Evaluating-Adolescent-Reproductive-Health- Programs-Part-1.pdf. 20. Stephenson, J.M., Imrie, J. et C. Bonell [Éditeurs]. Effective sexual health interventions: Issues in experimental evaluation. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press. 2003 [cité en mars…

La prévention du VIH et la lutte contre les ITSS

…Montrealto discuss efforts across the country to combat this infection. Physicians, nurses, epidemiologists, researchers, policy makers, community agency representatives and knowledge brokers took the opportunity to share experiences, ideas and best…

SantĂ© sexuelle et VIH / ITS formation des professionnels de la santĂ© publique canadienne : EnquĂȘte, analyse documentaire et examen sommaire des donnĂ©es Internet

…Partner Services and Referral for Health care Professionals, Chlamydia Partner Management for Family Planning Providers and Advanced STD Intervention (http://www.cdc.gov/std/training/courses.htm). Ces cours, proposés dans des centres régionaux, augmentent la formation…

Programmes mondiaux de vaccination : survol et examen des programmes de vaccination contre la polio

…Vaccins et vaccination. 2022: World Health Organization Vaccines and immunization. https://www.who.int/fr/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization#tab=tab_1 Mantel, C. and T. Cherian, New immunization strategies: adapting to global challenges. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 2020. 63(1): p. 25-31….

Épreuves de dĂ©pistage rapide du VIH

…2007 April; Available from: URL: http://www.bccdc.org/downloads/pdf/ std/reports/2007_poc%20hiv%20test%20 guidelines%20april%2012%202007.pdf? PHPSESSID=43f2e2e7cfdea5f940529317f a508ac7 (2) Bogart LM. HIV testing: State of the field and current research. http://www medscape com/viewarticle/553272 2007; Available from: URL: http://www.medscape.com/…